7 Lessons Learned from Frocktober: Wearing a Month of Dresses


Join me in celebrating the power of individual style choices and the empowering journey that turned ‘Frocktober’ into a way of life.

Three years ago, I embarked on a style experiment that would not only redefine my wardrobe but also reshape my perspective on fashion, femininity, and self-worth. It all began with Frocktober, an annual event that encourages participants to wear dresses throughout October to raise awareness and funds for ovarian cancer research.

Fast forward to today, and I find myself reflecting on this transformative journey. What started as a simple challenge has become a way of life. Today, I exclusively wear dresses, and it all began with that very first Frocktober.

In this article, I take you back to the beginning of my dress-wearing odyssey and the valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way. From embracing simplicity to discovering newfound confidence, my experience offers insights into the power of personal style choices. It’s not just about the dresses; it’s about the journey they’ve taken me on.

As I share my story, I invite you to explore the world of dresses beyond their fabric and design. It’s a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and ultimately, a celebration of individuality. Join me as we revisit that pivotal moment three years ago, when I first dipped my toes into the world of dresses, never to look back.

Frocktober is for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in Australia

Frocktober is a wonderful event that takes place throughout the entire month of October. It’s Australia’s most fashionable month-long fundraiser for ovarian cancer research, created by the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF). By participating in events like dressing up, hosting parties, or even wearing 31 dresses in 31 days, we can raise awareness and vital funds for this important cause.

Ovarian Cancer Month is September in the USA. How incredible would it be to have something like this in the states, too?

Frocktober Coincides with the October Dress Project

I came across the October Dress Project, which also encourages wearing dresses in October, though for different reasons. Many women focus on sustainability in this project by wearing a single dress for 30 days, challenging themselves to style it differently each day! It’s quite a surprise that the right dress can make it not only possible but also easy.

For those who crave a challenge and love a reward, the 100-day dress challenge by wool& is a great option. Complete the 100-day challenge by sharing daily photos, and you’ll earn a $100 gift card for a second dress! Made of merino wool, these dresses are odor-repellent, reducing the need for constant washing and conserving water.

Personally, I think it’s easier during the fall/winter months, when layering is comfortable. I’m definitely taking on this challenge next year when I won’t need constant nursing access. So, Frocktober and the October Dress Project complement each other, making October a month to celebrate dresses and style creativity!

Update: I completed the 100 day dress challenge in the Fall of 2021 while I was pregnant with #6 and it was as amazing as I expected!

Dresses are Easy to Wear

I used to think wearing dresses was too much work compared to pants. However, after experimenting on myself, I realized how simple and convenient it is as I only need to put on a single item of clothing. Now, I have around 15 dresses, so I can go a whole month without repeating an outfit. Although you don’t need as many, I’ve discovered that having just 8 versatile dresses makes it easy to maintain a stylish and practical wardrobe.

I Felt Feminine and Beautiful

It’s incredible how one dress can bring out a sense of confidence and beauty. Having undergone significant body changes after five pregnancies, finding an outfit that fits just right was always a challenge.

But now, with just one simple dress, I feel content and at ease.

The added bonus – each dress has nursing access, ensuring full comfort throughout the day. Embracing my femininity and dressing up in such lovely dresses fills me with a renewed sense of self-worth and reminds me how amazing my body truly is for growing and nurturing my little ones.

I Received More Compliments from My Husband

To my surprise, I discovered that my husband prefers seeing me in dresses and skirts, as he finds it more feminine. I remembered getting compliments when wearing those, while other times I felt cute and he stayed silent.

While I believe in staying true to my personal style, like my preference for short hair, I can’t deny feeling happy when my husband praises my appearance. Perhaps embracing the femininity of dresses and creating a permanent Frocktober compensates for the short hairstyle he’s not particularly fond of.

Pants were Still Useful

On a recent fall outing to a farm festival that involved hill slides, climbing and other physical activities, I faced a dilemma: should I stick to my planned 30 days of wearing dresses and skirts, or opt for athleisure leggings? In the end, I chose leggings for practicality, and boy, am I glad I did!

  • I didn’t expect to feel so constricted after weeks of wearing dresses. The squeeze was real!
  • When I took a tumble while carrying my infant, I was so relieved I had pants on for protection and comfort.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson: it’s important to hold onto those pants because you never know when they’ll come in handy. Interestingly, as soon as I got home I couldn’t wait to change back into a skirt. Sometimes, it’s all about striking the right balance.

A Dress Based Capsule wardrobe is Complicated

I’ve learned that styling dresses in a capsule wardrobe can be quite complex, as accessories and dress shapes need consideration. Balancing different factors, such as proportion and body shape, is essential to create a harmonious wardrobe.

While I’m drawn to the minimalist capsule approach, I also can’t resist the allure of variety. So, blending the two philosophies, I’ve embarked on building my first dress-based capsule wardrobe for this season. Maintaining a happy medium, without adhering to a restrictive wardrobe capsule, allows my personal style to shine through.

FAQ About Frocktober

What is the purpose of Frocktober?

Frocktober is an annual event held during October that encourages participants to wear frocks to raise funds and awareness for ovarian cancer research. With one Australian dying every eight hours from ovarian cancer and most diagnoses made in advanced stages, Frocktober rallies people to support a common cause – ovarian cancer research.

How can I participate in Frocktober 2023?

To participate in Frocktober 2023, you can register for an event, wear a frock as part of your daily wardrobe, or even organize a workplace ‘Frock-off’ competition! By participating, you can help raise funds for ovarian cancer research while having fun with fashion.

What are some creative ideas for Frocktober outfits?

For your Frocktober outfits, you can:

  • Choose a theme (e.g., decades, Halloween-inspired, or favorite movie characters)
  • Make your own frocks by upcycling old clothing items
  • Mix and match various patterns, colors, and accessories

The options are limitless! Use your imagination and creativity while wearing your frocks to support the cause.

Related Wardrobe Articles:

Now it’s your turn! Have you ever done a no pants experiment? Did you do a frocktober in March or July perhaps? Are you an old pro at the skirt lifestyle? I’d love to hear how wearing only dresses and skirts has changed your perspective! Tell me about it in the comments!

lessons learned from frocktober and a month of dresses

Explore my transformative journey into the world of dresses, sparked by Frocktober, and uncover the valuable lessons I’ve gathered over three years.


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      1. I’ve never heard of Frocktober! Let’s partner up next year and bring it to the STATES! Amazing post! And love all of your looks. Not sure I’m ready to relinquish my clothes for a capsule yet but one day lol!

      2. I love this! Thank you!! I actually really love dresses because I feel like it is so simple= 1 item, and I feel so much more pulled together and polished!! I might try an all dress month next fall!

  1. The same dress for 30 days in 30 ways, oh my goodness, you are a hero! I tend to wear the same leggings and baggy rock star t-shirt every day all year long haha, does that count? Thanks for an informative article, great read.

  2. On my first day of kindergarten, my mother put me in a dress. It was a little chilly that particular September day, so she also had me wear pants under my dress. One little girl made fun of me (so I’m told – I don’t remember, so it must not have been very traumatic), but I guess her mom thought it was a great idea because guess who showed up on the second day of school wearing pants under her dress? That’s right. Then there were two weirdos wearing dresses with pants.

    All that to say I might consider doing this whilst also wearing leggings. I still get cold, just like my 4-year-old self…

    1. I laughed out loud at the two weirdos! But I completely relate to this as I also have a pants story regarding 2nd grade! I’m planning a winter warmth post with layers and tips to keep warm!

  3. Well, I have never been complimented on my sweat pants. I wear skirts and dresses most all the time. I love them. They bring out so many compliments from men and women. Almost as good as sitting in the park with a puppy!!

    And comfort…..Nothing is warmer than a wool skirt and boots sin the winter time. A chiffon fit and flare dress is as cool and comfortable at it gets in summer.

    Luckily I have a huge wardrobe which allows me to always dress classy and feminine. I’m 6 feet tall and a size 8 /10. That is good for 70+ years old!!!!

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